
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mikko Mabanag

Small, but undoubtedly incredible.

Mikko Mabanag is known for his flashy moves, his play making, and above all, his leadership. Despite playing soccer for almost his entire life, it cannot be denied that he has achieved so much as an athlete. The sport has had so much impact on him that it actually gives meaning to his life. “Soccer is my source of positivity. It also taught me values such as leadership, discipline, faith, family and integrity. Best thing about soccer is that, whatever I learn from the sport is applied to my everyday life. These are priceless compared to books and classroom work/duties.” Clearly, soccer has allowed Mikko to grow and mature as a young man. It has taught him good qualities that can be applied in his life as he grows older.

Given the fact that we are faced with many temptations in today’s time, it may be difficult for athletes to control what they do, what they drink, and even what they eat. However, the importance of staying fit must always be kept lingering on the minds of athletes. For this reason, Mikko lures himself away from vices and does not prioritize going out too much. During his free time, he goes to the gym to lift weights (not to make him buff or heavy, but to strengthen his core), and does road works for about thirty minutes. There’s always nothing better than leading by example. Mikko is the perfect example of someone who loves what he does and someone who does what he loves with passion.

When asked how he has made it possible for himself to achieve greatness, he gave out a few of his pre-game routines. He said that he makes sure to have eight hours of sleep. Enough sleep is always vital for an athlete’s performance since having adequate rest before the game would affect your stamina greatly. Mikko also watches inspirational videos about soccer and studies his position by watching videos of team play tactics. Barcelona will always be a good team to idolize when it comes to team play. According to him, a lot of water is needed and not Gatorade because it will make you feel heavy. Lastly, “The most important of all is eating right (carbo load, just the right amount of rice, no soft drinks, less oily food and more on protein based food and for dessert I eat fruits).” These are a few tips from the great Mikko Mabanag. Although, I’m pretty confident that he is hiding the real secret to his success. I don’t blame him though, for keeping it from me or anyone for that matter. I believe he has his personal reasons for keeping this secret just as any chef would keep his secret recipe. After all, it is a secret.

Mabanag has received so many awards at a very young age. He was won the most valuable player more than once, he has also garnered best midfielder award along with a good number of championships. Straight from Mabanag himself, “Ateneo taught me something that I will never forget. ‘You can't just study, you should have your passion beside you’ Soccer is my passion and it made my life wonderful. My advice for the kids out there, whatever that passion may be, hold on to it and love it and I guarantee you that your life will be more meaningful.” Passion it is. Something one must keep at heart in pursuing a goal. Your passion for something will drive you to achieve greatness; your passion serves as an invisible hand that will push you to your limit. With this any goal will be made possible, and impossible will be nothing.

1 comment:

  1. very interesting and inspiring article. i'll look for this guy when i watch a game next time.
