
Friday, October 5, 2012

Adel Barlisan

Adel Karlo D. Barlisan (Adel)
Men's Swimming

Being part of the historic mark for the Ateneo Men's Swimming Team who got their very first championship title in UAAP history, Adel is for sure the guy that kept the team motivated. When first meeting Adel, he seems like the shy type of guy, but once you get to know him, Adel is for sure one of those funny guys with a lot of pranks up his sleeve and of course one of the ladies favorites. 


Adel is not only this years Swim Team captain but also a IV BS Health Science student. Having 12 years of experience he is for sure one of the assets of the team. Adel doesn't just compete locally but also internationally. In 2006 he competed in the Pacific School Games in Melbourne, Australia. Besides swimming being his number one passion, Adel is yet to figure out what else is to come his way to be passionate about. Right now Adel just wants to finish school, have a great vacation as a treat for all that hard work he has put in, and getting in med school. No doubt that it is tough for someone to commit to his sport at the same time his studies. We asked Adel where he wants to travel and he said "Galapagos Islands'. We will for sure see him relaxing on the shoreline of the beach and doing some island hopping. Being the captain of the swimming team who made a mark in history and and took home the number one title for the UAAP is one experience he will never forget.

Adel, who only has one more semester in The Ateneo wants to achieve being a Dean's Lister. He lives by the words "I can accept failure, but I cannot accept not trying" which we can see that he never fails to try to do his best in whatever he puts himself into. Despite his busy schedule with swimming and his studies, Adel wishes that he also gave time in student organizations in school.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Celina Gonzalez

Celina Gonzalez
Women's Swimming

Fresh from this years 75th UAAP season, the Ateneo Women's Swimming team finished with a 2nd place rank. At first glance Celina can come of as quiet and soft spoken, but once you get to know her, she is actually the total opposite!  


This III BS Psychology major with around 10 years of experience in the sport is indeed someone to watch out for. Celina has been competing not just in local swim meets but international swim meets. She competed mostly in Southeast Asia like Brunei, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Hongkong, Japan and Australia. Beside being passionate with her sport, she is also into music. Celina wants to finish school, continue swimming, and travel the world. Her first destination in traveling would be Europe! But she wouldn't be traveling alone. Having her family, friends, and the people around her will most definitely make traveling and any other experience memorable for her. The most memorable experience she ever had was in this years UAAP season. "I've had lots of very memorable experiences and one of them is being able to witness the Men's Swimming team make their mark in history through winning their first ever championship in the 75th UAAP season" said Celina.

Celina already knows what she wants to achieve when she grows up. She wants to be a doctor and be able to change a person's life in anyway she can. Even if sometimes she thinks that it is because of the show Grey's Anatomy that she wants to be come a doctor. She lives by the words "God has given you many gifts and blessings. Now its time to be a blessing to others" which she got from her mom.

Lastly, Celina does not just excel in swimming but she also excels in badminton, bowling, and a little bit of drums. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Axel Ngui

Axel Toni Steven Co Ngui (Axel)

Coming out as champions in the UAAP swimming 2012 and breaking numerous swimming records sounds pretty hard, but Axel Toni Steven Co Ngui defied the odds and achieved these. 

This 1st year BS Life Science major is part of the Ateneo Swim Team and has been competing in swim meets since he was in 7th grade. He’s competed internationally like Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia. But given the chance to travel and leisure, Cambodia would be his destination. Although it seems like swimming seems like it takes up most of his time, he is very passionate about his studies because he wants to prove that an athlete can excel in their studies. Axel being an achiever, he is working hard to be a dean’s lister, and at the same time he gives importance to his training. Since he didn’t give time training last year, he’s putting extra effort into his sport because he wants to achieve his goal in competing in the SEA games.

Axel lives by the words “you have to give your all every time you do something.” Of course, he still gives himself the time to relax and hang out with his friends despite his busy schedule. With all this experience in his arsenal, Axel Ngui is definitely someone to watch out for in the following UAAP seasons.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Adriane Bernardo

Adriane Bernardo

This guy can only be described as a beast on the diamond. He could possibly be one of the best ball players in the Philippines, and he's only 20! I won't even bother listing down all his awards and achievements cause there's too much - he has won an award in almost every tournament he's every played in. He's played in several national and international competitions already. You know how it's every kid's dream (at least those who play baseball) to play in the Little League World Series? Yeah well this guy's been there 5 times! He may be intimidating to play against, but he's one of the nicest guys out there.

Aids, as his friends call him, is actually really shy and quiet - at first. Give him some cake (he can finish one whole cake for breakfast!) or some sweets and he'll become super hyper. He's fun to be around and he's so easy to talk to. He devotes a lot of his time to baseball or exercising because it's what he enjoys! Other than eating. But who doesn't enjoy eating? He wants to play in the pros one day (and I'm pretty sure he'll make it one day!), finish a full marathon and triathlon (intense), and travel the world (though he's already traveled to several countries because of baseball). He loves sports so much, it's what he sees for his future as of now.

Aids is just one of those guys you'd want to know or be friends with - he'll be there for you no matter what. And also cause he could become a famous ballplayer one day, and wouldn't it be cool to know one? Hahaha just kidding. (But no, really, he could.)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Cocoy Marcelino

     Fifteen years of experience, an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, a chemistry and materials science major, and one of the best defenders to play the sport soccer.

     Cocoy Marcelino is an all-around athlete. He was a varsity player for multiple sports during his high school days, but the sport that he enjoys most is soccer.It has always been his passion. According to him he believes that anyone is entitled to enjoy the game of his life. It doesn't matter where you're from, how you were raised or which family you come from, as long as you share that passion for the sport you love. "It breaks language barriers, shows racial equality and definitely changes lives." He is certainly someone who doesn't just seek the benefit for himself, but he thinks of the wellfare of others as well.

     Being in the course that majors in chemistry and materials science alone is already an eduring task for an Ateneo student, but he did not let this hinder him from representing his school by playing the sport he loves most. As a soccer vasity, he is required to train at 5:45am almost every morning, which definitely drains him for the rest of the day, but somehow he finds a way to balance it out. Cocoy said that "Being a student-athlete, is one of the most of grueling yet most rewarding journeys one can go through college". He may sound like a superhero, but just like other superheroes, Cocoy also has his support group, which for him is his family, friends, and teammates, who are there to remind him of the things he needs to accomplish. According to him, his everyday schedule is really fixed and there are only a few windows for random stuff, but despite this, he his happy with that he is doing.

     His road to success has never been easy. During his first year of playing for Ateneo he unfortunately got injured, which was a blow on the whole team. Cocoy felt devastatd when he fell on the ground. " It happened so fast that I wasn’t able to react anymore. It was the first perfect game of the team of that year, and I really felt that everything was smooth sailing until that happened. I really thought that it was going to be close to the end of my playing days. " said cocoy. When the diagnosis came out, he was speechless and he really lost hope. Despite this, his support group continued to be optomistic and adviced him to stay positive because they believed that everything will be just fine. During this awful time of his life, he had his support group and God to lean on, which surely helped him a lot. True enough, this was not the end of his journey as a soccer player. In fact, it was the beginning of a new start, a new start for him to strive to become even better than he already was.

     Cocoy's story is inspiring indeed, it serves as an example for those people who get injured and lose hope. Hope should never be lost, it's the most important factor in striving to be the best you can be.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Carissa Limcaoco

Carissa Angela Regala Limcaoco (Carissa)

Have you ever heard of a Communications Technology Management Major who enjoys futsal, Claude Monet, arts and crafts, dancing, and traveling? Well I have! With months of futsal, hours spent on scrapbooking, relaxing day going through artwork, and tiresome hours learning dance steps, Carissa Limcaoco is definitely your all around girl!

All though she has only been playing futsal for a couple of months, Carissa used to play soccer from grade school until she was a high school senior. She’s very passionate about futsal, but this is just one of her many passions. She’s so into sports that she regrets not joining Ateneo’s soccer varsity team and the Blue Babble Battalion. This athletic lady delves shows her artistic side by scrapbooking, visiting museums, and looking at paintings. 

Carissa is especially passionate about traveling. Her most memorable experience was definitely her Junior Term Abroad. She enjoyed studying in France as well as traveling through the other parts of Europe. Her goal is to visit all 7 continents. After that, she wants to focus on visiting places like Egypt, Alaska, Morocco, Russia and many more!

Other than that, the top 3 things that she prioritises now are to graduate, to work in Nestle, and to travel. She wants to be able to enter the Management Trainee program of Nestle and eventually become a Marketing Manager there.

With all this work in her hands, she definitely needs some relaxation time. It’s shocking to think that she gets all the rest she needs at night when she doesn’t even sleep with a pillow!

Arielle Escalona

 Arielle Escalona
Ateneo Babble Battalion

Pages on the web?

 None; just the typical social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram)


 Cheerleading (Ateneo Blue Babble Battalion)

How long? 

I took dancing in summer workshops back in grade school, but I officially joined the cheerleading varsity in my first year in high school (Poveda)

Competed internationally?

 I was part of Team Pilipinas all-girls squad back in 2010, but I didn't continue training with them (because the schedule was too hectic--I was already part of Babble then and the training was separate). I never competed internationally-- just in nationals (National Cheerleading Competition) in both high school and college divisions against schools from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

What are you passionate about (asides from the sport)?

 I am passionate about anything creative! I like creating things, designing, editing, and photography-- that's basically why I'm a comm-major.

Top three things you want to do now?

 Asides from nailing the routine for the upcoming UAAP Cheerdance Competition, I also want to head to the best restaurant in town and eat anything and everything I want without feeling guilty about breaking the diet for the competition. After a really good meal, I'd also love to head to the beach to relax and get a massage.

Where do you want to travel?

 Because cheerleaders in Ateneo have no off-season (we also train and perform during summer and breaks), I never really had the time to travel far. My family never gets to plan trips to Europe and America because I can't leave the Philippines for more than a week. A Euro-trip is definitely at the top of my list!

What makes an experience memorable? 

I think any experience is memorable if you make it memorable. People might think that what we do is very routine-based, but believe it or not, every performance is different from the other. What matters is how we try to improve and do better in the next performances.

Most memorable experience you had? 

The most memorable experience for me is my first UAAP Cheerdance Competition when I was in freshman year. It was my first time to be in a co-ed squad, my first competition in the college division, and my first time to perform in a stadium filled with almost 20,000 people. Five months into a 5-minute routine--it was definitely the best welcome to college!

What do you want to achieve?

Asides from bagging a trophy (or trophies), I'd also like to try to change the view of Ateneans to Blue Babble. Gone are the days when cheerleaders were only meant to lead the cheers in stadium aisles and perform for basketball halftimes. There is a whole different level of competition now, and sad to say, Ateneo has one of the least supporters for their squad.

Words you live by?

Fall seven times, stand up eight.

Secret talents?

 I do hair and make-up for my teammates for performances and competitions. Maybe I can put up my own salon one day!

Random facts?

 I can eat a 2-piece chicken joy with spaghetti, 2-piece burger steak, a jolly hotdog, fries and ice cream all in one sitting. Description: rin I also have a very loud and distinct laugh, that when I laugh, people know I'm just around the corner Description: ink